Practical Creation of Supplemental Packages/Version Files (VF):
Assisted Subtitling with easyDCP Player +
Imagine the following situation:
- The original version (OV) of a compliant DCP or IMF package has already been delivered to the cinema or a partner / studio.
- Now the film is to be subtitled. However, your third party subtitling software cannot open the DCP or IMF package.
- The delivery should be a small supplemental package (Version File) containing only one OV compatible subtitle file.
Tip: The use of supplementals is very similar for DCPs and IMF packages!
To assist subtitling with the easyDCP Player + and finally generate a VF, proceed as follows:
- First load the OV into easyDCP Player+:

- Create an Interop, SMPTE or W3C TTML subtitle file with your external subtitling software or with an editor of your choice and drop the subtitle file onto the composition:

- Your subtitles are now automatically inserted into the timeline and into the playlist as "external subtitles" (shown in italics):

- Every time you save the subtitle file with the external editor, changes are rendered directly within your DCP or IMF package. This allows you to immediately control your subtitles in the DCP or IMF package:

- Once you’ve completed your subtitling work, you can export the subtitle file to a directory and, if necessary, use the easyDCP Creator+ to process it further. To do this, press the "e" key, select a destination folder in the export wizard and the menu item "Create supplemental easyDCP project with external subtitles":

- Go through the wizard and finally press "Open Project" to open the exported project in easyDCP Creator+:

- Your project will now be loaded as a VF containing the new subtitle file:

- Do not forget to rename the composition according to the Digital Cinema Naming Convention (e.g. "OV" to "VF-1").
- Finally, generate a new VF as usual.
Please note:
The Creation of Supplementals is only supported in easyDCP Creator+. Please use the newest versions of easyDCP. Previous versions may not include this feature.

Easy, fast and reliable packaging:
Convert a supplemental package (VF) into a new standalone package (OV) with easyDCP
Imagine the following situation:
- The original version (OV) of a DCP or IMF package as well as an additional version file (VF) have already been generated and work flawlessly.
- Now, from the VF, which works in the studio or cinema only together with the OV, a new independent and self-contained OV shall be generated, so that only this single package must be transferred or ingested and so errors are avoided.
- The generation should be easy, quick and without re-encoding. Important metadata such as offset / entry point and duration remain the same.
- The use of supplemental packages is very similar for DCPs and IMF packages.
- Also works with encrypted packages.
- Easy, fast and reliable packaging through exported project files from the easyDCP Player+.
To convert a VF as well as the data from the associated OV to a new standalone OV, follow these steps:
- First, download your OV and the VF in easyDCP Player+. In the opened playlist, you can recognize the identical file name, which references the VF files from the OV (here: OV contains picture and sound tracks, VF only contains the subtitle track):

- Now open the Export Wizard via "Asset | Export ", select "Unwrap DCP and create easyDCP project":

- Start the export by clicking on "Next" and "Export". After exporting, open the project file created by the easyDCP Player+ in the easyDCP Creator+ with the button "Open project in easyDCP Creator+":

- Make sure that in the easyDCP Creator+ under "Options | Package Generation" the option "Force re-encoding of JPEG 2000 codestreams" is deactivated to avoid time-consuming coding again:

- Do not forget to change the CPL title from "VF" to "OV":

- Finally, generate the new OV package as usual by clicking on "Generate Package". When you open the new OV package in the easyDCP Player for checking purposes, you can see that it now contains all the tracks itself needed for the playback (here: picture, sound and subtitles):

Please note:
This template was created with easyDCP Player+ / Creator+ Version 3.6.2. Previous versions may not yet include this feature, but in newer versions, the process may be slightly different.

Practical use of Supplemental Package (VF):
Replace selected Frames in an IMF package or DCP with easyDCP Creator+
Imagine the following situation:
- The original version (OV) of a DCP or IMF package has already been delivered to the cinema or studio.
- Now certain frames need to be replaced (here: video frames from #280 to #329 of reel #1)
- There is now time to produce a corrected DCP or IMP package.
HINTS: The solution lies in the usage of small supplemental packages, also known as version files. It is very similar for DCPs and IMF packages.
AND: The replacement of frames is very similar for video and audio
To replace certain frames in a DCP or IMF package, just follow these steps:
- Load the DCP or IMF package in easyDCP Creator+.
- To create a supplemental package, right-click on a track and choose "Supplemental > Enable for all Tracks":

Info: All tracks should be greyed out now, which means that they are just referenced and not included in the new supplemental package:

- Move the playhead to the first frame you want to replace (here: frame #280). Then click on the scissors to split the reel/sequence:

Info: A reel should automatically be added to the composition (here: reel #2).
- Now move the playhead to the next frame after the last frame you want to replace (here: frame #330). Then click on the scissors to split the reel/sequence:

Info: A reel should automatically be added to the composition (here: reel #3).
- Add your supplemental frames as a new track and drop it onto the reel that contains the frames to be replaced (here: reel #2):

- Don't forget to rename the composition according to the "OV" to "VF-1".

- Generate the new package.
The result is a DCP or IMF package with a new composition that replaces the desired frames. In case of supplemental, please note that a supplemental package is not self-contained, which means that it must be loaded together with the OV track files in order to play correctly.
If it becomes necessary to create another Supplemental DCP / IMF package, load the Supplemental DCP / IMF package that has already been created and proceed on the basis of the previously created supplementals exactly as you have done before.
s For later use in the cinema or on Netflix both supplementals in the correct order are necessary. The naming convention provides for consecutive numbering VF-1, VF-2 and so on.
Please note:
Creation of Supplementals is only supported in easyDCP Creator+. This template was created with easyDCP Creator+ / Player+ Version 3.5.8. Previous versions may not yet include this feature, but newer versions may run slightly differently.

Practical Creation of Supplemental (VF):
How to split Subtitle Files in Reels with easyDCP Player+
Imagine the following situation:
- The original version (OV) of a DCP or IMF package has already been delivered to the cinema or a partner / studio.
- Now the film must be subtitled. However, the subtitles are only in the form of a single file, while the OV is divided into several reels / sequences.
- The delivery should be a smaller supplemental (VF) containing only the subtitle files tailored to the OV.
Tip: Subtitle files should always be trimmed to the length of the associated reel for maximum projector compatibility.
AND: The use of Supplementals is very similar for DCPs and IMF packages.
To automatically subdivide a subtitle file into reels / sequences, proceed as follows:
- First load the OV into the easyDCP Player+:

- Drop your subtitle file onto the composition:

- Your subtitle file will now be automatically cut and trimmed according to the existing reel / sequence boundaries and inserted in the playlist as "external subtitles" (shown in italics):

- The subtitle files can now be exported to a directory and, if necessary, further processed with the easyDCP Creator+. To do this, press the "e" key, select a destination folder in the export wizard and the menu item "Create supplemental easyDCP project with external subtitles":

- Close the wizard and press "Open Project" to open the project in the easyDCP Creator+:

- Your project will now be loaded as a VF with the individual subtitle files in easyDCP Creator+:

- Do not forget to change the composition title according to the Digital Cinema Naming Convention e.g. "OV" to "VF-1").
- Finally, generate a new VF as usual.
Please note:
Creation of Supplementals is only supported in easyDCP Creator+. This template was created with easyDCP Creator+ / Player+ Version 3.5.8. Previous versions may not yet include this feature, but newer versions may run slightly differently.

Convenient Creation of Supplemental (VF):
How to convert Subtitle File Formats with easyDCP Player+
Imagine the following situation:
- The original version (OV) of a SMPTE compliant DCP or IMF package has already been delivered to the cinema or a partner / studio.
- Now the film must be subtitled. However, the subtitle files are in Interop format only, while the OV is in SMPTE format.
- The delivery should be a smaller supplemental (VF) containing only one OV compliant subtitle file.
Tip: Subtitle files should always be delivered in the same compliance format as the OV package for maximum compatibility.
AND: The use of Supplementals is very similar for DCPs and IMF packages.
To automatically convert a subtitle file to the format of the OV, proceed as follows:
- First load the OV into the easyDCP Player+. Your OV does not have any subtitles yet:

- Now simply drop your subtitle file onto the composition:

- Your subtitle file will automatically be added to the timeline and to the playlist as "external subtitles" (shown in italics):

- The converted subtitle file can now be exported to a directory and, if necessary, further processed with easyDCP Creator+. To do this, press the "e" key, select a destination folder in the export wizard and the menu item "Create supplemental easyDCP project with external subtitles":

- Close the export wizard and press "Open Project" to open the project in easyDCP Creator+:

- Your project will now be loaded as a VF with the new subtitle file in easyDCP Creator+:

- Do not forget to change the composition title according to the Digital Cinema Naming Convention (e.g. "OV" to "VF-1")
- Finally, generate a new VF as usual.
Please note:
Creation of Supplementals is only supported in easyDCP Creator+. Please use the newest versions of easyDCP. Previous versions may not include this feature.

Diese FAQ ist gültig für |
easyDCP KDM Generator(+) |
ab Version 1.4.4 |
Easier & faster KDM creation:
Create KDMs for several cinemas using easyDCP KDM Generator+
Imagine the following situation:
- Your encrypted DCP incl. activation key (easyDCP-Digest / DKDM) has already been completed.
- Now many KDMs are to be generated as a group (e.g., all KDMs for a distribution area) so that they subsequently e.g. can be sent by e-mail to the cinemas.
- Generating should be done quickly as a mass processing, easily and without time-consuming or faulty manual re-sorting.
- Also works in the standard version of the easyDCP KDM Generator.
- Warning: Do not manually change the filename of the server certificates or KDMs as they will not be able to be assigned in the cinema.
To create KDMs sorted by cinema screens in a tree structure, proceed as follows:
- First sort your server certificates once outside of easyDCP in a tree structure, e.g. by distribution area (here: "Distribution Area 1"):

- Now start the easyDCP KDM Generator +. First, drag the easyDCP Digest or the DKDM into the field "easyDCP Digest / DKDM". Then simply drag the folder that contains the subfolders with the sorted server certificates into the Server Certificates / Folder field:

- Now activate the options "Options> Replicate easyDCP Digest / DKDM Folder Structure" and "Recursive":

- 4. Finally enter the target directory under "KDM Output Folder" and start the mass generation by clicking on "Generate KDM (s)". The KDM Generator now creates all KDMs and places them in the same structure as the server certificates:

The KDMs can now be conveniently processed and e.g. be sent by e-mail to the cinemas.
Please note:
This template was created with easyDCP KDM Generator + Version 1.4.411. Previous versions may not yet include this feature, but newer versions may run slightly differently.

Diese FAQ ist gültig für |
easyDCP Creator |
ab Version 3.7 |
Easier & faster packaging:
Rename DCP files with easyDCP Creator+
Imagine the following situation:
- Your DCP has already been packaged and works flawlessly. However, the file names of the DCP do not meet the requirements of the cinema / studio - namely, content title and reel number are missing.
- Now the files shall be renamed so that they contain the DCP’s content title, its reel numbers and are therefore human readable.
- The conversion should be done quickly, easily and without any time-consuming re-encoding.
- The use is very similar for DCPs and IMF packages.
- Also works with the standard version of easyDCP Creator.
- Attention: All custom presets will be used for new projects as well.
- Warning: Do not manually alter any DCP, since this will break its internal DCP structure.
- Your DCP is e.g. in the following file structure (the root folder already contains the movie title, but the movie title is missing in the individual DCP files and are not human readable):

- To customize the filenames of your DCP, first open your DCP with your easyDCP Creator+. Then select the “Custom” preset under "File > Options > File Naming":

- In the right-hand pane, under "Usage", the available DCP name components are listed as placeholders (% 1,% 2,% 3, ...). Now use the placeholders to create your desired DCP file names by typing the placeholders in the desired order in the Metadata Files and Track Files text boxes. In this way, you allow the easyDCP Creator+ to inherit the components of the DCP to the file names. Check your settings in the instant "Preview":

- Finally, save your DCP via "File > Save Package". The files of your DCP are immediately renamed in-place and re-signed. The file names of your DCP now contain the DCP components you specified (here: the movie title, a half UUID and the respective acronym):

- Attention: Your user-defined file names will also be applied to all new DCPs. If you only want to use these settings for your current DCP, you must reset the file namings after saving your current DCP (see step 2).
Please note:
This template was created with easyDCP Creator+ Version 3.7. Previous versions may not yet include this feature, but in newer versions the process may be slightly different.

Diese FAQ ist gültig für |
easyDCP |
ab Version 3.6.X |
IMF Studio |
ab Version 4.X |
Easier & faster packaging:
Automatically convert frame rates (e.g. 23.98 to 24 frames/s) with easyDCP Creator+
Imagine the following situation:
- The original footage of your movie is at a fractional frame rate, such as 23.98 frames per second (fps).
- Now the movie shall be shown in cinemas at 24 fps.
- The conversion should be fast, easy and without the use of separate software.
- Use is very similar for DCPs and IMF packages.
- Also works with 29.97 fps.
- Also works in the standard version of easyDCP Creator.
- No frames are dropped, inserted or blended, so the conversion is free from image artifacts and stuttering.
To insert a movie with a fractional frame rate (here: 23.98 fps) into a project with a different frame rate (here: 24 fps) do the following:
- Open an existing easyDCP project or create a new one:

- Drop your movie file (here: MP4 at 23,98 fps) onto the reel:

- Your movie at the original 23.98 fps is now automatically converted to the frame rate of the project at 24 fps. The conversion of the image track is done frame by frame. No frames will be inserted, dropped or blended to ensure smooth image reproduction. The soundtrack is stretched or compressed accordingly. Picture and sound are now the same length (see the red arrow in the timeline) and are synchronized over the entire movie length:

- Finally, generate your DCP as usual.
Please note:
The timeline feature is only supported in easyDCP Creator+. The procedure also works without Timeline in easyDCP Creator 3.6.3. standard. This template was created with easyDCP Creator+ Version 3.6.3. Previous versions may not yet include this feature, but in newer versions the process may be slightly different.

Easy, fast and reliable packaging:
Create compliant packages with dummy subtitles in easyDCP Creator
Imagine the following situation:
- Your partially subtitled DCP or IMF package contains reels / sequences like film leaders or credits that lack subtitles. Therefore it will not work in cinemas or it will be rejected by your parter / studio.
- Now your package shall be fixed by adding blank dummy subtitles so that the package is fully compliant.
- The dummy subtitles shall be automatically created in the proper format (e.g. conformity, frame rate, duration) eliminating manual errors.
- Each reel must contain the same number of subtitle tracks for maximum compatibility with projectors.
- Even works in the standard version of easyDCP Creator.
- Also works with encrypted and IMF packages / TTML subtitle format.
To add blank dummy subtitles to a reel of your package, follow these steps:
- First, open your package in easyDCP Creator. Here you can see that one or more reels do not contain any subtitles (here: reel 1):

- Now right-click on the appropriate reel and select “Add Empty Subtitle”:

- A blank subtitle file called “Silence for …” will be added and created automatically during package generation. Technically speaking, it only contains a blank space in the first frame. It has the proper frame rate, format and duration:

- Finally, generate your new package as usual by clicking on "Generate Package".
Please note:
This template was created with easyDCP Creator+ Version 3.6.4. Previous versions may not yet include this feature, but in newer versions, the process may be slightly different.